Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No-Sew Angry Birds Costume

For those of you living under a rock Halloween is coming up in a few weeks. I normally buy the kids' costumes at yard sales. With the move, I was a little distracted. Now I'm at the mercy of whatever their little brains come up with. Natalie is undecided. Ainsley wants to be a bat (for the love?). Ryan... Ryan doesn't know what he wants to be. He's two-and-a-half. But he knows what he likes. It looks like this:

I looked an Angry Bird costume up on the internet. It was big and bulky. And not really that cute. So I decided to make a dumb-down version of my own. Here's what you need...

Stitch-Witchery; sharp scissors; a red t-shirt; black, white, and yellow felt; an iron, a permanent marker, round things to trace, a scrap piece of material, and safety pins.

Start with a t-shirt larger than your child.

Measure a panel of scrap material and iron it onto the interior front of the t-shirt with stitch-witchery leaving the top open to make a pocket.

Cut your face parts from the felt. I traced the bottom of Henry's contact lens solution for the eyes, you can use a small glass if you need to. For the eyebrows I cut a rectangle, folded it over and cut angles from it until it resembled angry eyebrows. I was afraid the eyes were too Simpson-esque, but I kept the faith.

For the bird breast, I used a plate to guide my curve. I did not trace the circle. I made my arch wide enough to cut on the inside of my line in case it bled through.

Here's where it got a little tricky. The felt is too thick for the iron to heat through to melt the stitch-witchery. So I had to line up the pieces one-by-one with stitch-witchery and flip the shirt inside out to iron them on. I layered from the bottom up. If you have a better idea, go with your gut.

Or your butt..... okay, kidding. Here are the tail feathers. The kids thought they were hilarious. Even Ryan.

Then I tried several different things to stuff the front pocket of the shirt with. You forgot about the front pocket, didn't you?

I found a small stuffed animal the size of a ladies size 8 shoe. I guess I could've measured it, but I'm a busy mom of three young children so I had to think on my feet.

I folded him up into a circle and stuffed him in the shirt. Ryan laughed and thought I was tickling him.

I told him to hold still with his hands at his side for a picture. He thought I said "hands to the sky."

He finally got the idea and I decided I didn't like the poof.

It's much better without the dog, but with the pocket which flares the shirt out a little. Now to work on being angry.


  1. I love love love it and he could not be any cuter!!! I wish I was there sitting on your floor with him in my lap again. I miss hugging him... he is so precious. I know it was only for the 1 day I was in town, but I loved our afternoon together and him choosing to sit with me. Such a sweetie!!! hugs from afar!

  2. That's awesome, Leighann!! Looks very authentic, actually! I just recently got into angry birds. Cannot stop. :)

  3. HAHAHAHAH tooo cute love Ryan!! very crafty & creative! :)

  4. wonderful job on the costume but really how can you miss when you are dressing the cutest little guy with the biggest smile. He is adorable. Jean

  5. He is SOOOOO cute! Good job on the costume!

  6. Cute! You did a good job. I saw an Angry Birds shirt at Target and bought it for my 12 year old granddaughter for her birthday!

    Ryan looks so adorable in his shirt.

  7. That little man is adorable. Gret Job with the costume
